Recognition from Uttar Pradesh State Medical Faculty & Indian Nursing Council.
Phone :+91-9839469643 Email :

Rules & Regulation

  • Student admitted in the nursing school must observe strict compliance of the rules and regulations that may be framed from time to time by the school.
  • Student must have self respect & be respectful to all members of the staff as wells managing authorities of the school/hospital.
  • Students are required to maintain absolute self discipline in the college campus Violation of rules will result in severe disciplinary action against the offender including her suspension or expulsion from the schooling such cases all will not be eligible for any claim.
  • Student are responsible for proper handling and safe custody of any apparatus or equipment that they may be using in Anantraj Institute of Nursing and Paramedical Sciences of any damage or loss to the school property through misuse or negligence the student shall have to pay the cost of repairs or replacement. e. Student is not supposed to leave the school premises without the permission of the principal. In case of illness permission will have to be obtained from the principal for absence from classes or practical.


Student will be allowed to wear the uniform prescribed by the school for their hospital & community experience


The school office will generally remain open on week days from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm & will remain closed on Sunday & other holidays

  • All dues should be cleared before the examination on.
  • Students are advised not to proceed on leave without permission of the principal otherwise they will have to pay a fine of Rs. 100 per day during the period of their unauthorized leave.
  • The principal of the school reserves the right to rusticate any student found indulging in acts prejudicial to the interest of the school or involved in gross indiscipline or immoral acts.
  • Parents of the student can appoint local guardians if they so desire, to meet the student on permissible day & time.
  • In case of appointment of local guardians, their entire personal data along with photograph shall have to be submitted. On the request of local guardian appointed by the parent. The responsibility of the parent, the responsibility of the parent who has appointed the local guardian.
  • There will be 10 days medical leave per year on submission of medical certificate. It cannot be accumulated for subsequent years.


It should be followed as per the schedule of holidays given by U.P. State medical faculty.


Every student will conduct herself in accordance with the fulfillment of her declaration in her application for admission in the Anantraj Institute of Nursing and Paramedical Sciences, to the effect that he/she sincerely believes in the basic principles of the institution, that he/she cares for services of humanity at large, without any distinction of religion, race, color caste or creed and with complete dedication, love & in furtherance of this objective he/she.

  • Will abide by an obediently maintain & help to maintain discipline in the school, hostel.
  • Will pursue her studies, Theoretical & practical faithfully & obediently with interest & diligence, both in the class rooms as well as in the hospital.
  • Senior boarders are expected to lead an exemplary lifestyle to serve as a role model for the junior nursing students.


Student will have to strictly adhere to the rules & regulation of the hostel.

  • No student can claim room of choice, Almirah, stool & chair etc other than those provident by the school.
  • Ragging is strictly prohibited in the hostel if any such case comes to the notice of the concerned authority the authority will have full power to suspend the miscreant form the school.
  • Students are responsible for keeping their room clean.
  • Visitors are not allowed in student room.
  • Hours of study will be observed everyday from 8-11 pm
  • Morning & Evening prayers will be held in the hostel.
  • Only the visitors authorized by the parents at the time of admission will be permitted to meet the student on holidays.
  • Light should be put off at 11 pm students are expected to go to bed at this time.
  • Fans & light should be turned off before leaving the rooms. Particular care should be taken not to leave the bathroom light on unnecessarily.
  • Whenever the students are leaving the hostel on vacations or leave they should give a written information to the principal regarding the date & time of arrival & departure from the hostel.
  • Complaints regarding the hostel employees on any matters should be given to the warden or hostel faculty advisors.
  • The hostel inmates must obtain prior permission from the principal/warden, if they want to go out of hostel for any purpose. No outgoing is permitted after 5 pm.
  • Tape recorders, radio & CD players are not allowed in the hostel.
  • Mobiles are not allowed for nursing student in the college & during clinical training.
  • In case of illness, the student must report immediately to the principal/warden.
  • Joining the mess in the hostel is compulsory Ace to the time & situation, the money will ht subject to change.
  • Students are advised not to keep heavy cash, gold/ silver Jewellery & costly item in their rooms.
  • Hospital Students should go to the hospital only when on duty or with prior permission it a student wishes to visit sick students or relatives she must obtain prior permission from the tutor/ warden the student must not go alone to hospital.
  • Visit to relatives – Student will be permitted to go out to visit relatives once a month, provided it does not conflict with the scheduled term exams, permission must be obtained one day in advance from the competent authority.
  • Parents, sponsor or guardian, as the case, may be must give in writing to travel alone. A list of relatives (Father, Mother, Sister & Brother) who could accompany the student when they go out of the hostel must also be approved by parents/ sponsor / guardian along with the photograph submitted at the time of admission.
  • Outgoing & Incoming Register: An outgoing cum incoming register will be kept with the warden/ Guard at the hostel each student must fill in the date, time & all other columns of the register in her own handwriting & sign it positively.
  • Visiting hours Permitted visitors may meet on Saturday & Sunday 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
  • Gift student must not accept or even receive gifts or money from patients or their relative or any other person.